Our Work In Numbers since 2021
- NICRO is 115 years old in 2025.
We work in eight provinces.
We have 20 offices.
We employ over 240 people.
We receive referrals from over 270 courts around the country.
We have conducted community engagement and outreach with more than 590 000 people.
We have provided services to over 44 000 adults and children in conflict with the law or living in at-risk communities.
Our Clients
- 12% of our clients are under the age of 18 years.
42% of our clients are unemployed.
- 54% of our clients have less than a Grade 12 education.
1% have some form of a disability.
31% are female, and 69% are male.
94% of our clients are from historically-disadvantaged communities.
4 354 clients have been tracked to date. tracked. 98% of tracked NICRO clients have not been arrested since completing the NICRO service.
SAPS 69 forms were obtained for 778 clients. 97% of the SAPS 69 tracked clients had not been arrested since completing NICRO services.
82% of clients have not used any substance since completing NICRO. Any substance includes drinking alcohol.
96% of clients have not had to pay a traffic fine since NICRO.
58% stated their ability to start their own business had improved as a result of NICRO.
63% stated their ability to find employment had improved since NICRO.
2 948 clients submitted written testimonials about their experience at NICRO. 99% of clients said that their behaviour in general had improved.